Friday, January 29, 2010

40 Years Behind?

Recently pulled out Tangerine Dream's Electronic Meditation for a listen.  It has been already 40 years since it was first issued.  Although one would not consider Electronic Meditation as the greatest electronic music album, the music is filled with electronic bliss, analogue effects, and some interesting concepts.  A lot of things have moved on in the last 40 years, there is no argument about that.  However, have we moved on in terms of music listening tolerance?  Does this vintage 40 year-old music still sound like noise?  Have we really moved on, or are we still 40 years behind?

"What we hear is mostly noise.  When we ignore it, it disturbs us.  When we listen to it, we find it fascinating." -- John Cage

Genesis -- Tangerine Dream (Electronic Meditation, 1970)

Ashes to Ashes -- Tangerine Dream (Electronic Meditation, 1970)

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